We work with China’s Famous factories, ensuring that over 70% of our materials are original.

Add items to your cart and submit your order. You’ll receive an email with an order number. Then, contact our customer service for payment details, and we’ll get back to you quickly.

We need 2-3 days to prepare your order. You will receive your package within 15-20 days after it is shipped.

Unfortunately, if that happens, we will reship your order.

We can deliver to almost every country in the world. We partner with companies like DHL, FedEx, EMS, USPS, and UPS.

Please send us a picture of the item. Once we confirm it’s wrong, we’ll resend your order  (you’ll need to return the wrong one)  We’ll give you a return address and cover your shipping costs..

Please Contact your local post office to change the address (extra fees may apply).